Building Neighbours does not, and will not (except under legal proceedings), release the direct contact details of Neighbours who register with the site.
Builders, as proponents of public projects, are identified.
The Builders section of our website requires that every person who participates in the site register, provide their home address (to allow mapping of the home to proximate projects) and a valid email address. The registration process is designed to send a confirmation email soon after you register, to validate your email address and ensure "spam" neighbours are not permitted to engage on the Building-Neighbours website.
We treat the registration information as completely confidential and is used ONLY to locate the neighbor in proximity to the projects in their area. Neighbours may send email to Builders/homeowners, and do so using a contact form that shields the email address and name (other than the username chosen at registration). In responding directly to a Neighbour post or email, Builders DO NOT see the real name, address or email address of the Neighbour. Builders and homeowners are proponents and as such, their information is publilcly available at the municipal government office. Therefore, we allow Builders to be contacted directly from the Building Neighbours website.
We do not, and never will, sell, rent, lease, give away or otherwise provide your personal contact details to any person, group or entity. We provide each neighbour with the option to allow the system to send messages from the builder/developer, but at no time, do those email addresses leave the Builder section of our website. The emails sent by the Building-Neighbours are sent through a secure server, entering the email address into the "BCC" of the email server, and thus, no person is able to see the email addresses in these email.
Builders, homeowners and developers are required to pay through a secure Paypal (you may pay as a Paypal client, or using any credit card) connection. To ensure our clients are comfortable and their information is secure, Building Neighbours directs all payments through the Paypal website, and does not collect, retain or have any secure data passed through our site. All financial transactions are undertaaken through the Paypal server that reports only back to our site that the transaction has been completed and verified.