What is Achievable at Zoning
We have read thousands of pages of reports from zoning variance meetings across this continent, and attended countless government committee meetings.
The most important element of the process that most neighbours do not recognize is that the committee that adjudicates the decisions is required to follow the rules of the local by-laws. It is critical that if you actually want or need a project changed, that you understand the rules and work within them. Committee members can only decide upon the elements of a project that fall under the zoning by-laws.
The members of the committee may, by law, only make their decisions based on the rules of their local government. The members of the committee are not permitted to rule on, or make decisions upon such matters as the colour of the building, whether or not it is "ugly", or the impact on property values. The only reason a committee meeting is held is that the builder exceeded the current rules in some way, and permission is required for these excesses.
However, if a neighbour is sincerely concerned about property values, the reality is that a builder could, by law, build a small 10' x 10' shack. It would follow the appropriate setbacks, height and gross-floor area rules. Now, THAT would hurt property values.
So, what we at Building-Neighbours want to emphasize is that property owners love their/your neighbourhood too. That's why they chose to live or build there. And at no time is the owner trying to lose money, or reduce the value of their property, and therefore, your property. Sure ... the height of the proposed building might impact the sun on your pool or your magnificent garden ... but so might a tree that the former neighbour could plant in their yard.
Our point: Both parties working together offers the highest possible likelihood of creating a win-win situation. Disclosure of the project enables a dialogue in which parties work toward a solution that is mutually acceptable. In the event of a fundamental disagreement, presenting the right arguments at Committee offers the only way the committee can assist both parties to resolve the situation. In this latter instance, Building-Neighbours serves as an organizational tool to assist and support both parties in presenting their thoughts on a project.