Help - for Neighbours

Neighbors of a project have many priorities. Our role is to help you to focus on those priorities that have the highest prospect of change - to help you understand the rules surrounding what is being proposed, what can be changed, and provide some ideas on how to negotiate so that it ends up a "win-win".

We (neighbours) are often very passionate about proposed changes to our neighbour's homes, many of which are legal, legitimate and permitted. This does not mean that we have to like them, but it is important to moving forward, that both parties understand what can be changed, and what are parochial interests. Neighbours feel personally attacked when changes are proposed to their home and neighborhood. At the same time, builders also are attacked for their apparent greed or bad taste. Our goal is to enable a dialogue between the two stakeholder groups that solves a problem of understanding what the other is trying to achieve.

The first step is for neighbours to register on our website. Subsequent to completion of the registration, you will be presented with a map centered on your location. Adjacent to that location will be projects that have been submitted by builders in your area. We encourage you to invite the homeowner, builder or developer to register with us. This will save you time, possibly money, and empower a dialogue.

When you register, you are required to enter your address. This is to allow our mapping program to locate you proximate to any projects in your area. Your contact details are never revealed to anyone, but we have a responsibility to ensure that any criticisms of a project are reasonably presented and without libel.

Once you are registered you choose a project from the map near your home (red flag).  Upon clicking the address under the green flag, the project page will come up that will present the project: elevations, site details, shadow plans, floor plans, and the zoning rules of your neighbourhood.  We also provide a "Comment" section where for each element of the project, neighbors are encouraged to provide their feedback and focus the builder on the priority areas of concern: noise, lighting, foliage/trees, height, parking etc.

There is no cost to register as a Neighbour or to look for projects on our site.

 For a walk-through of how to register and use the site, please click HERE.