Help - For Builders, Project Leaders and Developers
We offer a very simple interface to help walk you through the details of your project. There are only a few "required" fields and all the other fields are optional. The fact is, the more information you provide, the more likely it is your project will go through and succeed - because ultimately, the information MUST be disclosed and the process is designed to ensure the Zoning Boards and Committees of Adjustment properly represent the communities in which they work.
There are several observations we have learned through decades of building, speaking with neighbours at the outset of their site development and consulting to builders.
These include:
- You can't hide. If you try to sneak something by the neighbours, someone will work it out;
- Most neighbours actually care about how your project fits into their world - how the shadows, traffic, drainage etc. impacts them personally. Very often, they couch their complaints in how the project does or does not fit into the neighbourhood. If you help them understand the real impact of your development on their property values (almost always up), you can attain a win-win outcome;
- It validates the interest and concern of neighbours if you make an effort to listen, and respond in a sincere way to the concerns they express. Building-Neighbours provides comment areas for neighbours where they may offer their views for your response.
- Sometimes, the reality it that your project may negatively impact a neighbour: A tall building will put their pool in constant shade; or several iconic trees must come down; or perhaps an open vista will now be filled with homes. In these cases, by letting your neighbours express their concerns in our online forum, you take the anger and passion out of the Committee meeting room. To meet these challenges, we offer project owners the opportunity to present a perspective of what the zoning actually allows - what would be possible without going through Committee. This helps provide perspective.
The purpose of Building-Neighbours is to better enable property owners to meet these tests, and accommodate the process of managing the strongly-held concerns of their neighbours.
For a walk-through of how to register and use the site, please click HERE. If you have additional questions, please use our contact form.